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This blog is not meant to be taken so seriously because we don't want to create trouble. If you think our post have somthing too sensitive pls let us know so we can discuss whether anot to remove it or we wont realise it. None of this is false unless stated(eg: rumours or example) or miss interpreted. Remember, the things posted here is for our readers interest and entertainment and not to condemn other ppl. Finally if you want to help out by writing in this blog pls let us know provided we must know you well under consideration. Thank you.

By: Ben and Lit How

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why You Should Never Go Near Jian Han!!!!!!!!!!

This Is Why you should not go near Jian Han:

He may be cute.....
He may be adorable...
He may be my cousin...
He may also be Ching Yens wife...

1st of all. Jian Han told me that he wash his face with his pee. Comon, you gotta admit he is disgusting. No normal ppl even Boon Yi would do that. Somore, he told me 2nite he is going to try and drink his pee....Ewwwwwww.

2nd of all, Jian Han have a disgusting habit of blowing saliva bubbles from his mouth towards the ppl

3rdly, I sometimes wonder how he can do it, which is kissing other ppl on the cheek. Alot of ppl already kena... so be careful or you'll be next.

4thly, he shocked the whole class when he ate and reate the chewing gum after sticking it on the table a few times.

And last but not least.... The worst 1 is... He Likes Freak Yoda. No.. Not the freak yoda on my blog, the real life freak yoda( Ching Yen ). Imagine dating a pork chop... Ewww. I rather date a headless dog or eat myself, even be a bachelor forever.

from the editor to Jian Han: No offence to you Jian Han, but you g2 admit your abit disgusting... espescially the part where u like the pork chop. Dont kill me can d lah Jian Han. ITS ALL LIT HOW'S FAULT...... even though he did nothing.

Writen by: Benjamin

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