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This blog is not meant to be taken so seriously because we don't want to create trouble. If you think our post have somthing too sensitive pls let us know so we can discuss whether anot to remove it or we wont realise it. None of this is false unless stated(eg: rumours or example) or miss interpreted. Remember, the things posted here is for our readers interest and entertainment and not to condemn other ppl. Finally if you want to help out by writing in this blog pls let us know provided we must know you well under consideration. Thank you.

By: Ben and Lit How

Friday, November 28, 2008

daryl's story part 2

before i start, pls vote for wat do u tink of our blog.. n daryl,enjoy ur holidays n im sorry wat i wrote bout u last time cos this 1 is much worse......

like wat ben said, daryl is a guy that always wants attention.. he wear drop pants lik the pants got bit by a rottweiler n cant pull back up again.. u know wat i mean??? he likes to say f-word which is seriously stupid cos he say it for no reason... y he likes to point middle finger?? cos he got angry and irritated or watsoever... hes short n he liks to pretend that hes tall..... look at jian han, short,irritating, stupid, disgusting (no ofence ah, jian han)..... but hes still cute and at least he doesn act lik darryl..

he said love is dumb... jus bcos he doesnt get to be wit khye yin so he was lik !@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*)(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()_(*&^%$#@!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!@#$%^&*()_(*&^%$#@!#$)(*&^%$#$%^&*()+{_P)(*&^%$#@!@#$)_)(*&^%$#@#$%^&*()_+_)(*&!~@^&*_)(*&^%$#@...... n he said love is dumb.. try tell 100 ppl, love is dumb.. 80 out of 100 will give him a slap.... if all the 100 ppl is girls mayb he'l get 90 slaps.. then mayb he'll try ask 100 guys.. 60 will give him a slap.. so total is: guy + girlss group: 70, guy group: 60, girls group:90... total is 220 slaps n mayb he'l get a double.. who knows? i wonder wat happens if he tell everybody in this world love is dumb??

i dunno wat else to say n wtf am i writin above but who cares????????????? its fun although its stupid,crapppy, retarded n .............

by your stuppid,brainless retarded writer: bird

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